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Vision Evening 2025
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We will be meeting at 8pm on Wednesday 26th February at the King William Building in Greenwich.

Once a year we get together as a church to look back and look ahead. As we consider God’s kindness over the past year, there is much to rejoice over and be thankful for!

We will also talk about some exciting projects for the coming year. Please join us!

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Grace Groups
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We meet mid-week to study God’s word, pray and get to know each other a little better. We have just started a new series in the book of Isaiah in our groups.

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Sunday Bible Talks
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Every Sunday we open God’s Word together and hear it preached to us. This week we are continuing our series in 2 Peter at Canada Water and Eltham, and continuing our series in Genesis at Greenwich. Catch-up on previous sermons below.

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We love welcoming students and look forward to meeting you at one of our services!

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Join us on a Sunday or Midweek

On Sundays, we meet at three locations in South East London:

…or join us midweek for Bible study and prayer:

A church for all kinds of people

We are a church for sceptics, enquirers and believers. We come from many nations, ages and stages. You’re welcome whoever you are and whatever you believe.

Digging deeper into God’s word

We love the Bible, because we believe it is life-giving and life-changing. Discover some of our resources below.