Bitesize Theology

Bitesize is a place for a more stretching but clear exploration of Christian Theology. Each week we dive into an aspect of a major Biblical Doctrine.
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Some Bitesize Themes

All past Bitesize episodes

Doctrine of Sovereignty: Sovereign Creator Andrew Sach
Prophet, Priest and King Andrew Sach
Christ: The Hypostatic Union Andrew Latimer
Christ: Christ’s deity Andrew Latimer
Christ: Christ’s humanity Andrew Latimer
Creation: New Creation Andrew Sach
Creation: Male and Female He created them Andrew Latimer
Creation: Historical Adam Andrew Sach
Creation: “In the image of God he created them…”Andrew Latimer
Creation: “In the beginning, God…” Andrew Sach
Special: Race & Racism Raymond Brown
Church: Male and Female Roles in Church Andrew Sach
Church: The Lord’s Supper Andrew Latimer
Church: Baptism Andrew Sach
Church: Theology of Church Music Andrew Sach
Church: Worship Andrew Latimer
Church: Body, Building, Bride Andrew Latimer
Atonement: Christus Exemplar Andrew Sach
Atonement: Christus Victor Andrew Sach
Atonement: Participation Andrew Sach
Atonement: Substitution Andrew Sach
Sin: Hell Andrew Latimer
Sin: Concupiscence Andrew Latimer
Sin: Original sin Andrew Sach
Scripture: The sufficiency of scripture Andrew Latimer
Scripture: The clarity of scripture Andrew Sach
Scripture: The authority of scripture Andrew Latimer
Scripture: The necessity of scripture Andrew Latimer