Christianity Explored:
Got Big Questions?
Curious, sceptical, or just need a refresher? All are welcome!
Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of finding out about Jesus from Mark’s gospel. Each week we watch a short video, and there’s an opportunity for discussion and to ask any questions.
Our current courses run on Tuesdays at 7:45pm at Canada Water Library, and at 7:45pm on Wednesdays at the King William Building in Greenwich. Sign up to find out more.
In the meantime, check out our Big Questions series below. We’ve dealt with all kinds of questions that people have about life, God and how to think and live in the 21st century.
Freedom: How can I escape anxiety?
What would Jesus say about the importance of the arts?
What would Jesus say about my money worries?
What would Jesus say about the way I’ve been treated?
What would Jesus say to Richard Dawkins?
What would Jesus say to Greta Thunberg?
Faith: How can you believe in a God you can’t see?
Suffering: Where is God when life hurts?
Science: Has evolution disproved God?
Satisfaction: Does God care about my happiness?
Hope: What is the future for the human race?
Identity: Do we really decide who we are?
Isn’t religion harmful for society?
What’s the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection?
Surely I don’t need to be a Christian to be good?
Can we really trust the Bible?
Isn’t Christianity sexually repressive?
Surely we can’t take the Bible literally?